British police have confirmed, the attacker who killed two people in a knife attack on London Bridge on Friday has been identified. The attacker, Named Usman Khan, was convicted of terrorism and sent to jail in 2012. And he was released last year after bail.
Neil Basso, the top officer of Britain’s counter-terrorism police, told media that 28 years old Usman Khan, was released last year after getting imprisoned in the terrorism act. However, investigations are on to see why the suspect committed such a crime again.
According to officials, criminals in Britain are released only after various guarantees and bail before the prison term is completed. British media say the suspect was released on the condition of wearing an electronic tag.
The attacker had injured several people by knife-and-knife on London Bridge at 2 pm on Friday. Later, the attacker was killed by police firing. Police said two civilians were killed and three injured in the incident. Among the victims a woman who was killed, while two women and a man who were injured were taken to the hospital.
As news of the attack came in, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the perpetrators should not be released before the completion of the punishment period. Boris Johnson said: "It is wrong to release violent criminals in the before term. We should not release terrorists who commit serious crimes. "
London Mayor Sadiq Khan says the incident seems to be an individual act. So the police are not looking for another suspect. Sadiq Khan applauded the courage of the citizens on the London Bridge, saying that at that time when there was an atmosphere of fear on the tower, people were in danger to control the accused.
The London Bridge also witnessed terrorism during the election campaign in 2017. When three attackers boarded a van, the passers-by. Eight people were killed and 48 were injured in the incident.

According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, Usman Khan spent the early part of his life in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Usman Khan was from the UK area Stephen Shire and was born in the UK.
According to the newspaper, Usman Khan was living with his mother in Kashmir. Where he planned to set up a training camp for terrorism on his native land. Usman also worked hard to enforce religious laws in his native area.
The newspaper states that Usman Khan came to the UK when his mother became ill and joined Al-Qaeda's support group here in 2012 in a plot to attack the stock exchange. According to the newspaper, Usman has also been involved in promoting religious extremism through the Internet and other social networking websites.
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